What is the UCAT ANZ? 40 Top Questions Answered

We answer the top 40 questions about the UCAT ANZ.


Updated 30 January 2025

Want to be a doctor or a dentist? If so, there's a good chance the UCAT will be a hurdle in your way.

In this article, we provide answers to the top 40 UCAT questions so you know exactly what to expect.

1. What is the UCAT ANZ test?

The UCAT ANZ (University Clinical Aptitude Test for Australia and New Zealand) is a standardised computer-based assessment designed to assess students’ ability to interpret numerical and written information presented in various formats. All UCAT sections are related to important qualities for medical professionals.

The test is used to compare and rank applicants across Australia and New Zealand. Although the UCAT might sound scary, it's actually a lot less stressful than you might think, as long as you approach it in the right way.

2. What is the difference between UCAT, UKCAT and UCAT ANZ?

No difference: they are all the same test. In terms of the names, the UKCAT is an old acronym for the exam and the UCAT ANZ is Australia and New Zealand only.

3. Why take the UCAT ANZ?

Admission to medicine and dentistry is extremely competitive as the number of applicants far outweighs the number of available places. 

The UCAT helps medical schools decide who to invite to interview and sometimes who gets the final offer. Getting a good score will increase your chances of getting accepted.

4. How many questions are in the UCAT ANZ?

The UCAT consists of 184 multiple choice questions across four sections. Each section has a different number of questions and time allocation, as shown below:

| Section | Time (+1 minute for instructions) | Number of questions |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Verbal Reasoning | 22 minutes | 44 across 11 passages |
| Decision Making | 37 minutes | 35 |
| Quantitative Reasoning | 26 minutes | 36 |
| Situational Judgement | 26 minutes | 69

Starting in 2025, the Abstract Reasoning (AR) section will be removed from the test.

5. How long is the UCAT ANZ?

The UCAT takes under two hours to complete. Each section has one minute for reading the instructions. 

6. What is being tested in the UCAT ANZ?

The UCAT tests aptitude rather than academic knowledge. Each section of the UCAT aims to test a different component of cognition:

7. How long does it take to prepare for the UCAT ANZ?

This depends on how ready you are for each section of the UCAT, but as a guideline we recommend giving yourself plenty of time, ideally a minimum of six weeks.

As it's an aptitude test, some students may be able to get a good score with just a month’s preparation. The question to ask yourself is, ‘Will I risk jeopardising my future career if I prepare too little?’ There are a limited number of medical school places so you need to score as high as you can to give yourself the best chance of gaining entry.

Many students start preparing months before the test, so make sure you are ready for the intense competition. Doing 20 minutes to an hour a day over months is a great way to learn the ins and outs of the exam without the stress.

Check out our UCAT preparation plan resources to guide your journey.

8. Who can sit the UCAT ANZ? How many students take the UCAT ANZ each year?

You can sit the UCAT in your final year of secondary school and any year after that. Around 15,000 students sat the UCAT ANZ in 2024.

9. How hard is the UCAT ANZ?  

Most students find the UCAT challenging not due to difficulty, but because of the large number of questions that need to be answered in just two hours (184 in total!). 

Research indicates that students who use preparation materials and study more for the UCAT score higher.

Adopting the right mindset is crucial for UCAT success. Find out how to build an optimal mindset, plus explore strategies to help you throughout your UCAT journey and on test day in our Ultimate Guide to UCAT Mindset Mastery.

Medify shows where you stand compared to the average user

10. Which universities require the UCAT ANZ?

The UCAT is compulsory for the following courses:

| Medical School | Course |
| --- | --- |
| The University of Adelaide | Medicine, Dental Surgery, Oral Health |
| Charles Sturt University | Dental Science, Medicine |
| Curtin University | Medicine |
| Flinders University | Clinical Sciences/Medicine |
| Griffith University | Dental Health Science |
| Monash University | Medicine |
| The University of Newcastle/University of New England | Medicine |
| The University of New South Wales | Medicine |
| The University of Notre Dame | Medicine pathway |
| The University of Queensland | Medicine (provisional entry pathway), Dental Science |
| University of Southern Queensland | Medicine pathway |
| University of Tasmania | Medicine |
| The University of Western Australia | Medicine (direct pathway), Dental Medicine (direct pathway) |
| Western Sydney University | Medicine |
| The University of Auckland | Medicine |
| University of Otago | Medicine, Dentistry

Learn more about UCAT universities

11. How do I prepare for the UCAT ANZ?

Read our in-depth guide to UCAT preparation, or just learn the four key steps:

  1. Learn about the different styles and formats of the questions, as well as strategies for solving them

  2. Practise with plenty of questions to become faster at answering correctly

  3. Simulate with mock exams to gauge your readiness for the time pressure

  4. Review your performance and focus on weaker areas

Try our free UCAT questions to give yourself a better understanding of the exam. 

To ace the UCAT, we recommend using a comprehensive preparation course. Medify's UCAT ANZ Online Course provides 20,000+ questions, 24 unique full mock exams, 34+ mini-mock exams, 50+ hours of video tutorials, and personalised performance feedback to help you improve your score.

If you're looking for more hands-on support, such as UCAT tutoring, books, and live courses or workshops, explore our Courses and Tutors Directory.

12. Are Medify’s UCAT tests harder than the actual UCAT ANZ exam?

Medify has a team of experts following UCAT developments and continuously responding to student feedback to make the simulated tests as realistic as possible.

For example, we updated the entire Verbal Reasoning section, and it is now the most up-to-date and realistic resource on the market. If you prepare thoroughly with Medify’s software, you won’t have any nasty surprises on the day. 

Also note, there is no advantage to using harder mock exams instead of accurate mocks during your UCAT preparation. In fact, unrealistic mocks may be detrimental to your progress because they can provide you with a wrong impression of the exam and lead to you feeling demoralised. This can negatively affect your motivation levels and final UCAT score.

Visit our blog and Admissions Guide to find more information about all the sections of the exam.

13. When is the UCAT ANZ in 2025?

The UCAT is held between 1 July and 5 August 2025

You need to book by 16 May 2025 (the final late booking deadline is 6 June 2025 but will incur an extra fee of $185). 

Check out the full list of UCAT ANZ deadlines

14. How do I book the UCAT ANZ?

You need to create a web account with Pearson VUE first. Then you can book your test session.

15. Can I change my UCAT ANZ test date?

It’s possible to postpone your exam with appropriate notice. However, if you miss the deadline you can lose the fee. Cancelling and rebooking is sometimes better.

16. Can I cancel my UCAT ANZ booking?

You can cancel your test for a refund until 11 June 2025. However, a refund fee of $50 will be deducted. Please note that late fees are non-refundable.

Cancelling or rescheduling appointments cannot be made via email; they must be done through your account or by calling UCAT customer services.

There will be a rescheduling fee of $25 if you reschedule your test after 29 June 2025.

17. Can I take UCAT ANZ the year before I apply to medical or dental school?

Yes, the UCAT is taken the year before you want to begin your studies.

18. Can the UCAT ANZ be used for admission in the UK?

Yes, you can use your UCAT ANZ results to apply to medical and dental schools in the UK.

You may wish to study in the UK for various reasons, such as studying at your dream university. Applying to both ANZ and UK medical or dental schools can also provide a strategic advantage by maximising your chances for entry.

Find out how UCAT ANZ can be used for admission in the UK

19. How much does the UCAT ANZ cost?

In 2025, the UCAT costs $325 for tests taken in Australia and New Zealand and $395 for tests taken overseas.

All fees are charged in Australian dollars.

20. Are concessions available for the UCAT ANZ?

Australian candidates in financial need may be able to get a concession/discount and sit the UCAT for a reduced fee after providing supporting evidence. 

New Zealand candidates and candidates sitting the UCAT ANZ outside Australia are not eligible for concession.

Detailed information on concession eligibility and how to apply

21. What about UCAT ANZ access arrangements?

UCAT access arrangements are available for students with a disability, upon providing evidence:

  • UCATSEN: You get 25% extra test time

  • UCATSA: You get five minutes of rest break before each section

  • UCATSENSA: You get 25% extra test time and five minutes of rest break before each section

  • UCATSEN50: You get 50% extra test time

Furthermore, adjustments can be made to font size to help anyone with visual impairment during the exam.

Find out about your eligibility and the application process

22. Can I resit the UCAT ANZ? How many times can I sit the UCAT ANZ?

You may resit the UCAT an unlimited number of times as long as you meet the eligibility criteria, but only once per year.

23. Where can I take the UCAT ANZ?

The UCAT can be sat at Pearson VUE test centres across the world.

24. How is the UCAT ANZ graded? (UCAT ANZ deciles 2024)

Your raw scores (the number of questions you answer correctly in each section) are converted to scaled scores between 300 and 900. The cognitive subtests (VR, DM, QR) are added up to provide you with a total scaled score that ranges between 900 and 2700. 

Based on this total scaled score, you will also receive a percentile rank that shows how well you’ve performed relative to other candidates in your year. For example, a total scaled score of 3060 in 2024 meant you were in the top 10%, or 9th decile.

The scaled score for the Situational Judgement Test also ranges between 300 and 900 but this is not included in the total scaled score. For instance in 2024, if your SJT score was 623, you would be in the 7th decile and around the 75th percentile.

25. Do I get penalised for wrong answers?

No, you don’t. Guess the answers that you are unsure about or do not have time to concentrate on. You have nothing to lose.

26. What is a good score on the UCAT ANZ test?

This is difficult to say as it varies from year to year and also depends on the universities you apply to. 

A score in the 90th percentile or higher (=3060) would give you a chance of securing interviews, provided that you have a top Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR score). 

Even with a lower UCAT score, you will stand a good chance if you have a very high ATAR, or if you qualify for special admissions schemes or bonus points.

What is a good UCAT score?

27. How do universities use UCAT ANZ scores?

Your UCAT ANZ score will be used alongside other parts of your application, such as meeting the minimum academic requirements. However, each university uses UCAT ANZ scores differently.

For instance, some universities may set a UCAT ANZ cut-off score (note that thresholds can vary from year to year), and use this to rank applicants for both interview and final selection, whereas others may use your UCAT ANZ as part of final selection only.

As such, it's important to note that there is no clear ‘pass’ mark for the UCAT ANZ. You should aim to maximise your overall score as much as possible to give you the best chance of securing a place at medical or dental school.

Find out about specific UCAT ANZ requirements for medical and non-medical courses in Australia and New Zealand.

28. How can you get into medicine without the UCAT ANZ?

A high UCAT score takes you closer to medical school, but even with a low UCAT score, there are several options:

  1. Not all direct or provisional entry medical programmes require the UCAT (e.g. James Cook University and Griffith University). Read about the full entry requirements of each medical school

  2. You can take a gap year and sit the UCAT again

  3. You can go through the graduate entry pathway

  4. You can study medicine overseas (e.g. UK, Eastern Europe)

29. When do UCAT ANZ results come out?

Your UCAT scores are available shortly after you finish the test, on the same day. To find out how well you performed in your cohort, you will usually need to wait until September for the final results.

30. How do I send my UCAT ANZ results to my chosen universities?

Your UCAT results are delivered directly to the chosen universities. You don’t need to take any further action once you’ve completed the exam.

31. How is the UCAT ANZ different from the GAMSAT?

The Graduate Medical School Admissions Test (GAMSAT) is an entrance exam used by graduate medical and dental courses.

The UCAT is a purely skills-based test, whereas some sections of the GAMSAT assume prerequisite knowledge in sciences. The GAMSAT also requires you to write an essay, whereas the UCAT consists entirely of multiple-choice questions. Both exams require a high level of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Did you know that sitting both the UCAT ANZ and GAMSAT can maximise your chances of getting into medical school? Find out more in our article on UCAT vs GAMSAT: Similarities and Differences.

32. Are papers and pens allowed in the UCAT ANZ?

You can’t use a pen and paper for notes. You will be provided with a small whiteboard (or laminated sheets), a marker pen and a board rubber.

33. What can you bring into the UCAT ANZ test centre?

Nothing is allowed into the testing room apart from the indoor clothes you are wearing and any permitted items on the Pearson VUE Comfort Aid List. 

Person VUE says: ‘All personal belongings (including bags, coats/ jackets, hats or head coverings, jewellery, watches, calculators, papers, books, pens, food/water/drinks, wallets, keys, mobile phones, smart watches, smart glasses, all electronic devices) must be placed in the lockers provided before you enter the test room. The only exceptions permitted are religious apparel, head wear that is worn for medical reasons and small hair clips/hairbands (less than 1/2 inch wide).’

34. How long are UCAT ANZ scores valid for?

The UCAT scores are valid for a year. This means that if you sit the UCAT in 2025, you can only use it for entry to medical and dental programmes commencing in 2026.

35. Are you allowed a calculator in the UCAT ANZ test?

There is an onscreen calculator to use during the QR test. No personal calculators are allowed.

Check out our 8.5 tips to master the UCAT calculator

36. Should I sit the UCAT ANZ as a New Zealand high school student?

The University of Auckland and the University of Otago require students to sit the UCAT ANZ during the common first year for entry to medicine or dentistry. However, there is nothing stopping you from sitting the UCAT ANZ during your last year of high school.

In fact, preparing for and sitting the UCAT ANZ in high school gives you an edge over other students. Furthermore, sitting the UCAT ANZ in year 13 opens up doors for direct entry medical and dental schools in Australia.

37. How do I contact the UCAT ANZ customer services?

You can email anz-enquiries@ucat.edu.au. For Pearson VUE-related queries, you can call (Australia: 1800 512 320, New Zealand: 0800 451 260) or email Pearson VUE customer services

38. How does Medify use data to help you ace the UCAT ANZ?

Medify provides the most accurate feedback on the market. 70% of those who take the UCAT use Medify, so we feed that enormous data set back into the system.

That means we can compare, with unparalleled accuracy:

  • Your scores for each section

  • Time taken across all questions

39. What is Medify’s number one piece of advice for the UCAT ANZ?

Little and often. Trying to cram for such a time-pressured test can be very stressful and leave you at a disadvantage.

In our experience, the best students take a proactive approach early in the year, so by the time they take the exam, the format is second nature.

40. Where can I get further information about the UCAT ANZ?

Refer to the official UCAT ANZ website, in particular the FAQ section.

Do you need help with preparing for the UCAT ANZ? Don’t worry, head over to our UCAT ANZ Online Course and we’ll get you signed up to guide you through this whole process. We provide a huge bank of 20,000+ questions, 24 unique full mock exams, 34+ mini-mock exams, 50+ hours of video tutorials, and performance feedback.

On this page

What is the UCAT ANZ? 40 Top Questions Answered

We answer the top 40 questions about the UCAT ANZ.


Updated 30 January 2025

Table of contents

Want to be a doctor or a dentist? If so, there's a good chance the UCAT will be a hurdle in your way.

In this article, we provide answers to the top 40 UCAT questions so you know exactly what to expect.

1. What is the UCAT ANZ test?

The UCAT ANZ (University Clinical Aptitude Test for Australia and New Zealand) is a standardised computer-based assessment designed to assess students’ ability to interpret numerical and written information presented in various formats. All UCAT sections are related to important qualities for medical professionals.

The test is used to compare and rank applicants across Australia and New Zealand. Although the UCAT might sound scary, it's actually a lot less stressful than you might think, as long as you approach it in the right way.

2. What is the difference between UCAT, UKCAT and UCAT ANZ?

No difference: they are all the same test. In terms of the names, the UKCAT is an old acronym for the exam and the UCAT ANZ is Australia and New Zealand only.

3. Why take the UCAT ANZ?

Admission to medicine and dentistry is extremely competitive as the number of applicants far outweighs the number of available places. 

The UCAT helps medical schools decide who to invite to interview and sometimes who gets the final offer. Getting a good score will increase your chances of getting accepted.

4. How many questions are in the UCAT ANZ?

The UCAT consists of 184 multiple choice questions across four sections. Each section has a different number of questions and time allocation, as shown below:

| Section | Time (+1 minute for instructions) | Number of questions |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Verbal Reasoning | 22 minutes | 44 across 11 passages |
| Decision Making | 37 minutes | 35 |
| Quantitative Reasoning | 26 minutes | 36 |
| Situational Judgement | 26 minutes | 69

Starting in 2025, the Abstract Reasoning (AR) section will be removed from the test.

5. How long is the UCAT ANZ?

The UCAT takes under two hours to complete. Each section has one minute for reading the instructions. 

6. What is being tested in the UCAT ANZ?

The UCAT tests aptitude rather than academic knowledge. Each section of the UCAT aims to test a different component of cognition:

7. How long does it take to prepare for the UCAT ANZ?

This depends on how ready you are for each section of the UCAT, but as a guideline we recommend giving yourself plenty of time, ideally a minimum of six weeks.

As it's an aptitude test, some students may be able to get a good score with just a month’s preparation. The question to ask yourself is, ‘Will I risk jeopardising my future career if I prepare too little?’ There are a limited number of medical school places so you need to score as high as you can to give yourself the best chance of gaining entry.

Many students start preparing months before the test, so make sure you are ready for the intense competition. Doing 20 minutes to an hour a day over months is a great way to learn the ins and outs of the exam without the stress.

Check out our UCAT preparation plan resources to guide your journey.

8. Who can sit the UCAT ANZ? How many students take the UCAT ANZ each year?

You can sit the UCAT in your final year of secondary school and any year after that. Around 15,000 students sat the UCAT ANZ in 2024.

9. How hard is the UCAT ANZ?  

Most students find the UCAT challenging not due to difficulty, but because of the large number of questions that need to be answered in just two hours (184 in total!). 

Research indicates that students who use preparation materials and study more for the UCAT score higher.

Adopting the right mindset is crucial for UCAT success. Find out how to build an optimal mindset, plus explore strategies to help you throughout your UCAT journey and on test day in our Ultimate Guide to UCAT Mindset Mastery.

Medify shows where you stand compared to the average user

10. Which universities require the UCAT ANZ?

The UCAT is compulsory for the following courses:

| Medical School | Course |
| --- | --- |
| The University of Adelaide | Medicine, Dental Surgery, Oral Health |
| Charles Sturt University | Dental Science, Medicine |
| Curtin University | Medicine |
| Flinders University | Clinical Sciences/Medicine |
| Griffith University | Dental Health Science |
| Monash University | Medicine |
| The University of Newcastle/University of New England | Medicine |
| The University of New South Wales | Medicine |
| The University of Notre Dame | Medicine pathway |
| The University of Queensland | Medicine (provisional entry pathway), Dental Science |
| University of Southern Queensland | Medicine pathway |
| University of Tasmania | Medicine |
| The University of Western Australia | Medicine (direct pathway), Dental Medicine (direct pathway) |
| Western Sydney University | Medicine |
| The University of Auckland | Medicine |
| University of Otago | Medicine, Dentistry

Learn more about UCAT universities

11. How do I prepare for the UCAT ANZ?

Read our in-depth guide to UCAT preparation, or just learn the four key steps:

  1. Learn about the different styles and formats of the questions, as well as strategies for solving them

  2. Practise with plenty of questions to become faster at answering correctly

  3. Simulate with mock exams to gauge your readiness for the time pressure

  4. Review your performance and focus on weaker areas

Try our free UCAT questions to give yourself a better understanding of the exam. 

To ace the UCAT, we recommend using a comprehensive preparation course. Medify's UCAT ANZ Online Course provides 20,000+ questions, 24 unique full mock exams, 34+ mini-mock exams, 50+ hours of video tutorials, and personalised performance feedback to help you improve your score.

If you're looking for more hands-on support, such as UCAT tutoring, books, and live courses or workshops, explore our Courses and Tutors Directory.

12. Are Medify’s UCAT tests harder than the actual UCAT ANZ exam?

Medify has a team of experts following UCAT developments and continuously responding to student feedback to make the simulated tests as realistic as possible.

For example, we updated the entire Verbal Reasoning section, and it is now the most up-to-date and realistic resource on the market. If you prepare thoroughly with Medify’s software, you won’t have any nasty surprises on the day. 

Also note, there is no advantage to using harder mock exams instead of accurate mocks during your UCAT preparation. In fact, unrealistic mocks may be detrimental to your progress because they can provide you with a wrong impression of the exam and lead to you feeling demoralised. This can negatively affect your motivation levels and final UCAT score.

Visit our blog and Admissions Guide to find more information about all the sections of the exam.

13. When is the UCAT ANZ in 2025?

The UCAT is held between 1 July and 5 August 2025

You need to book by 16 May 2025 (the final late booking deadline is 6 June 2025 but will incur an extra fee of $185). 

Check out the full list of UCAT ANZ deadlines

14. How do I book the UCAT ANZ?

You need to create a web account with Pearson VUE first. Then you can book your test session.

15. Can I change my UCAT ANZ test date?

It’s possible to postpone your exam with appropriate notice. However, if you miss the deadline you can lose the fee. Cancelling and rebooking is sometimes better.

16. Can I cancel my UCAT ANZ booking?

You can cancel your test for a refund until 11 June 2025. However, a refund fee of $50 will be deducted. Please note that late fees are non-refundable.

Cancelling or rescheduling appointments cannot be made via email; they must be done through your account or by calling UCAT customer services.

There will be a rescheduling fee of $25 if you reschedule your test after 29 June 2025.

17. Can I take UCAT ANZ the year before I apply to medical or dental school?

Yes, the UCAT is taken the year before you want to begin your studies.

18. Can the UCAT ANZ be used for admission in the UK?

Yes, you can use your UCAT ANZ results to apply to medical and dental schools in the UK.

You may wish to study in the UK for various reasons, such as studying at your dream university. Applying to both ANZ and UK medical or dental schools can also provide a strategic advantage by maximising your chances for entry.

Find out how UCAT ANZ can be used for admission in the UK

19. How much does the UCAT ANZ cost?

In 2025, the UCAT costs $325 for tests taken in Australia and New Zealand and $395 for tests taken overseas.

All fees are charged in Australian dollars.

20. Are concessions available for the UCAT ANZ?

Australian candidates in financial need may be able to get a concession/discount and sit the UCAT for a reduced fee after providing supporting evidence. 

New Zealand candidates and candidates sitting the UCAT ANZ outside Australia are not eligible for concession.

Detailed information on concession eligibility and how to apply

21. What about UCAT ANZ access arrangements?

UCAT access arrangements are available for students with a disability, upon providing evidence:

  • UCATSEN: You get 25% extra test time

  • UCATSA: You get five minutes of rest break before each section

  • UCATSENSA: You get 25% extra test time and five minutes of rest break before each section

  • UCATSEN50: You get 50% extra test time

Furthermore, adjustments can be made to font size to help anyone with visual impairment during the exam.

Find out about your eligibility and the application process

22. Can I resit the UCAT ANZ? How many times can I sit the UCAT ANZ?

You may resit the UCAT an unlimited number of times as long as you meet the eligibility criteria, but only once per year.

23. Where can I take the UCAT ANZ?

The UCAT can be sat at Pearson VUE test centres across the world.

24. How is the UCAT ANZ graded? (UCAT ANZ deciles 2024)

Your raw scores (the number of questions you answer correctly in each section) are converted to scaled scores between 300 and 900. The cognitive subtests (VR, DM, QR) are added up to provide you with a total scaled score that ranges between 900 and 2700. 

Based on this total scaled score, you will also receive a percentile rank that shows how well you’ve performed relative to other candidates in your year. For example, a total scaled score of 3060 in 2024 meant you were in the top 10%, or 9th decile.

The scaled score for the Situational Judgement Test also ranges between 300 and 900 but this is not included in the total scaled score. For instance in 2024, if your SJT score was 623, you would be in the 7th decile and around the 75th percentile.

25. Do I get penalised for wrong answers?

No, you don’t. Guess the answers that you are unsure about or do not have time to concentrate on. You have nothing to lose.

26. What is a good score on the UCAT ANZ test?

This is difficult to say as it varies from year to year and also depends on the universities you apply to. 

A score in the 90th percentile or higher (=3060) would give you a chance of securing interviews, provided that you have a top Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR score). 

Even with a lower UCAT score, you will stand a good chance if you have a very high ATAR, or if you qualify for special admissions schemes or bonus points.

What is a good UCAT score?

27. How do universities use UCAT ANZ scores?

Your UCAT ANZ score will be used alongside other parts of your application, such as meeting the minimum academic requirements. However, each university uses UCAT ANZ scores differently.

For instance, some universities may set a UCAT ANZ cut-off score (note that thresholds can vary from year to year), and use this to rank applicants for both interview and final selection, whereas others may use your UCAT ANZ as part of final selection only.

As such, it's important to note that there is no clear ‘pass’ mark for the UCAT ANZ. You should aim to maximise your overall score as much as possible to give you the best chance of securing a place at medical or dental school.

Find out about specific UCAT ANZ requirements for medical and non-medical courses in Australia and New Zealand.

28. How can you get into medicine without the UCAT ANZ?

A high UCAT score takes you closer to medical school, but even with a low UCAT score, there are several options:

  1. Not all direct or provisional entry medical programmes require the UCAT (e.g. James Cook University and Griffith University). Read about the full entry requirements of each medical school

  2. You can take a gap year and sit the UCAT again

  3. You can go through the graduate entry pathway

  4. You can study medicine overseas (e.g. UK, Eastern Europe)

29. When do UCAT ANZ results come out?

Your UCAT scores are available shortly after you finish the test, on the same day. To find out how well you performed in your cohort, you will usually need to wait until September for the final results.

30. How do I send my UCAT ANZ results to my chosen universities?

Your UCAT results are delivered directly to the chosen universities. You don’t need to take any further action once you’ve completed the exam.

31. How is the UCAT ANZ different from the GAMSAT?

The Graduate Medical School Admissions Test (GAMSAT) is an entrance exam used by graduate medical and dental courses.

The UCAT is a purely skills-based test, whereas some sections of the GAMSAT assume prerequisite knowledge in sciences. The GAMSAT also requires you to write an essay, whereas the UCAT consists entirely of multiple-choice questions. Both exams require a high level of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Did you know that sitting both the UCAT ANZ and GAMSAT can maximise your chances of getting into medical school? Find out more in our article on UCAT vs GAMSAT: Similarities and Differences.

32. Are papers and pens allowed in the UCAT ANZ?

You can’t use a pen and paper for notes. You will be provided with a small whiteboard (or laminated sheets), a marker pen and a board rubber.

33. What can you bring into the UCAT ANZ test centre?

Nothing is allowed into the testing room apart from the indoor clothes you are wearing and any permitted items on the Pearson VUE Comfort Aid List. 

Person VUE says: ‘All personal belongings (including bags, coats/ jackets, hats or head coverings, jewellery, watches, calculators, papers, books, pens, food/water/drinks, wallets, keys, mobile phones, smart watches, smart glasses, all electronic devices) must be placed in the lockers provided before you enter the test room. The only exceptions permitted are religious apparel, head wear that is worn for medical reasons and small hair clips/hairbands (less than 1/2 inch wide).’

34. How long are UCAT ANZ scores valid for?

The UCAT scores are valid for a year. This means that if you sit the UCAT in 2025, you can only use it for entry to medical and dental programmes commencing in 2026.

35. Are you allowed a calculator in the UCAT ANZ test?

There is an onscreen calculator to use during the QR test. No personal calculators are allowed.

Check out our 8.5 tips to master the UCAT calculator

36. Should I sit the UCAT ANZ as a New Zealand high school student?

The University of Auckland and the University of Otago require students to sit the UCAT ANZ during the common first year for entry to medicine or dentistry. However, there is nothing stopping you from sitting the UCAT ANZ during your last year of high school.

In fact, preparing for and sitting the UCAT ANZ in high school gives you an edge over other students. Furthermore, sitting the UCAT ANZ in year 13 opens up doors for direct entry medical and dental schools in Australia.

37. How do I contact the UCAT ANZ customer services?

You can email anz-enquiries@ucat.edu.au. For Pearson VUE-related queries, you can call (Australia: 1800 512 320, New Zealand: 0800 451 260) or email Pearson VUE customer services

38. How does Medify use data to help you ace the UCAT ANZ?

Medify provides the most accurate feedback on the market. 70% of those who take the UCAT use Medify, so we feed that enormous data set back into the system.

That means we can compare, with unparalleled accuracy:

  • Your scores for each section

  • Time taken across all questions

39. What is Medify’s number one piece of advice for the UCAT ANZ?

Little and often. Trying to cram for such a time-pressured test can be very stressful and leave you at a disadvantage.

In our experience, the best students take a proactive approach early in the year, so by the time they take the exam, the format is second nature.

40. Where can I get further information about the UCAT ANZ?

Refer to the official UCAT ANZ website, in particular the FAQ section.

Do you need help with preparing for the UCAT ANZ? Don’t worry, head over to our UCAT ANZ Online Course and we’ll get you signed up to guide you through this whole process. We provide a huge bank of 20,000+ questions, 24 unique full mock exams, 34+ mini-mock exams, 50+ hours of video tutorials, and performance feedback.

What is the UCAT ANZ? 40 Top Questions Answered

We answer the top 40 questions about the UCAT ANZ.


Updated 30 January 2025

Table of contents

Want to be a doctor or a dentist? If so, there's a good chance the UCAT will be a hurdle in your way.

In this article, we provide answers to the top 40 UCAT questions so you know exactly what to expect.

1. What is the UCAT ANZ test?

The UCAT ANZ (University Clinical Aptitude Test for Australia and New Zealand) is a standardised computer-based assessment designed to assess students’ ability to interpret numerical and written information presented in various formats. All UCAT sections are related to important qualities for medical professionals.

The test is used to compare and rank applicants across Australia and New Zealand. Although the UCAT might sound scary, it's actually a lot less stressful than you might think, as long as you approach it in the right way.

2. What is the difference between UCAT, UKCAT and UCAT ANZ?

No difference: they are all the same test. In terms of the names, the UKCAT is an old acronym for the exam and the UCAT ANZ is Australia and New Zealand only.

3. Why take the UCAT ANZ?

Admission to medicine and dentistry is extremely competitive as the number of applicants far outweighs the number of available places. 

The UCAT helps medical schools decide who to invite to interview and sometimes who gets the final offer. Getting a good score will increase your chances of getting accepted.

4. How many questions are in the UCAT ANZ?

The UCAT consists of 184 multiple choice questions across four sections. Each section has a different number of questions and time allocation, as shown below:

| Section | Time (+1 minute for instructions) | Number of questions |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Verbal Reasoning | 22 minutes | 44 across 11 passages |
| Decision Making | 37 minutes | 35 |
| Quantitative Reasoning | 26 minutes | 36 |
| Situational Judgement | 26 minutes | 69

Starting in 2025, the Abstract Reasoning (AR) section will be removed from the test.

5. How long is the UCAT ANZ?

The UCAT takes under two hours to complete. Each section has one minute for reading the instructions. 

6. What is being tested in the UCAT ANZ?

The UCAT tests aptitude rather than academic knowledge. Each section of the UCAT aims to test a different component of cognition:

7. How long does it take to prepare for the UCAT ANZ?

This depends on how ready you are for each section of the UCAT, but as a guideline we recommend giving yourself plenty of time, ideally a minimum of six weeks.

As it's an aptitude test, some students may be able to get a good score with just a month’s preparation. The question to ask yourself is, ‘Will I risk jeopardising my future career if I prepare too little?’ There are a limited number of medical school places so you need to score as high as you can to give yourself the best chance of gaining entry.

Many students start preparing months before the test, so make sure you are ready for the intense competition. Doing 20 minutes to an hour a day over months is a great way to learn the ins and outs of the exam without the stress.

Check out our UCAT preparation plan resources to guide your journey.

8. Who can sit the UCAT ANZ? How many students take the UCAT ANZ each year?

You can sit the UCAT in your final year of secondary school and any year after that. Around 15,000 students sat the UCAT ANZ in 2024.

9. How hard is the UCAT ANZ?  

Most students find the UCAT challenging not due to difficulty, but because of the large number of questions that need to be answered in just two hours (184 in total!). 

Research indicates that students who use preparation materials and study more for the UCAT score higher.

Adopting the right mindset is crucial for UCAT success. Find out how to build an optimal mindset, plus explore strategies to help you throughout your UCAT journey and on test day in our Ultimate Guide to UCAT Mindset Mastery.

Medify shows where you stand compared to the average user

10. Which universities require the UCAT ANZ?

The UCAT is compulsory for the following courses:

| Medical School | Course |
| --- | --- |
| The University of Adelaide | Medicine, Dental Surgery, Oral Health |
| Charles Sturt University | Dental Science, Medicine |
| Curtin University | Medicine |
| Flinders University | Clinical Sciences/Medicine |
| Griffith University | Dental Health Science |
| Monash University | Medicine |
| The University of Newcastle/University of New England | Medicine |
| The University of New South Wales | Medicine |
| The University of Notre Dame | Medicine pathway |
| The University of Queensland | Medicine (provisional entry pathway), Dental Science |
| University of Southern Queensland | Medicine pathway |
| University of Tasmania | Medicine |
| The University of Western Australia | Medicine (direct pathway), Dental Medicine (direct pathway) |
| Western Sydney University | Medicine |
| The University of Auckland | Medicine |
| University of Otago | Medicine, Dentistry

Learn more about UCAT universities

11. How do I prepare for the UCAT ANZ?

Read our in-depth guide to UCAT preparation, or just learn the four key steps:

  1. Learn about the different styles and formats of the questions, as well as strategies for solving them

  2. Practise with plenty of questions to become faster at answering correctly

  3. Simulate with mock exams to gauge your readiness for the time pressure

  4. Review your performance and focus on weaker areas

Try our free UCAT questions to give yourself a better understanding of the exam. 

To ace the UCAT, we recommend using a comprehensive preparation course. Medify's UCAT ANZ Online Course provides 20,000+ questions, 24 unique full mock exams, 34+ mini-mock exams, 50+ hours of video tutorials, and personalised performance feedback to help you improve your score.

If you're looking for more hands-on support, such as UCAT tutoring, books, and live courses or workshops, explore our Courses and Tutors Directory.

12. Are Medify’s UCAT tests harder than the actual UCAT ANZ exam?

Medify has a team of experts following UCAT developments and continuously responding to student feedback to make the simulated tests as realistic as possible.

For example, we updated the entire Verbal Reasoning section, and it is now the most up-to-date and realistic resource on the market. If you prepare thoroughly with Medify’s software, you won’t have any nasty surprises on the day. 

Also note, there is no advantage to using harder mock exams instead of accurate mocks during your UCAT preparation. In fact, unrealistic mocks may be detrimental to your progress because they can provide you with a wrong impression of the exam and lead to you feeling demoralised. This can negatively affect your motivation levels and final UCAT score.

Visit our blog and Admissions Guide to find more information about all the sections of the exam.

13. When is the UCAT ANZ in 2025?

The UCAT is held between 1 July and 5 August 2025

You need to book by 16 May 2025 (the final late booking deadline is 6 June 2025 but will incur an extra fee of $185). 

Check out the full list of UCAT ANZ deadlines

14. How do I book the UCAT ANZ?

You need to create a web account with Pearson VUE first. Then you can book your test session.

15. Can I change my UCAT ANZ test date?

It’s possible to postpone your exam with appropriate notice. However, if you miss the deadline you can lose the fee. Cancelling and rebooking is sometimes better.

16. Can I cancel my UCAT ANZ booking?

You can cancel your test for a refund until 11 June 2025. However, a refund fee of $50 will be deducted. Please note that late fees are non-refundable.

Cancelling or rescheduling appointments cannot be made via email; they must be done through your account or by calling UCAT customer services.

There will be a rescheduling fee of $25 if you reschedule your test after 29 June 2025.

17. Can I take UCAT ANZ the year before I apply to medical or dental school?

Yes, the UCAT is taken the year before you want to begin your studies.

18. Can the UCAT ANZ be used for admission in the UK?

Yes, you can use your UCAT ANZ results to apply to medical and dental schools in the UK.

You may wish to study in the UK for various reasons, such as studying at your dream university. Applying to both ANZ and UK medical or dental schools can also provide a strategic advantage by maximising your chances for entry.

Find out how UCAT ANZ can be used for admission in the UK

19. How much does the UCAT ANZ cost?

In 2025, the UCAT costs $325 for tests taken in Australia and New Zealand and $395 for tests taken overseas.

All fees are charged in Australian dollars.

20. Are concessions available for the UCAT ANZ?

Australian candidates in financial need may be able to get a concession/discount and sit the UCAT for a reduced fee after providing supporting evidence. 

New Zealand candidates and candidates sitting the UCAT ANZ outside Australia are not eligible for concession.

Detailed information on concession eligibility and how to apply

21. What about UCAT ANZ access arrangements?

UCAT access arrangements are available for students with a disability, upon providing evidence:

  • UCATSEN: You get 25% extra test time

  • UCATSA: You get five minutes of rest break before each section

  • UCATSENSA: You get 25% extra test time and five minutes of rest break before each section

  • UCATSEN50: You get 50% extra test time

Furthermore, adjustments can be made to font size to help anyone with visual impairment during the exam.

Find out about your eligibility and the application process

22. Can I resit the UCAT ANZ? How many times can I sit the UCAT ANZ?

You may resit the UCAT an unlimited number of times as long as you meet the eligibility criteria, but only once per year.

23. Where can I take the UCAT ANZ?

The UCAT can be sat at Pearson VUE test centres across the world.

24. How is the UCAT ANZ graded? (UCAT ANZ deciles 2024)

Your raw scores (the number of questions you answer correctly in each section) are converted to scaled scores between 300 and 900. The cognitive subtests (VR, DM, QR) are added up to provide you with a total scaled score that ranges between 900 and 2700. 

Based on this total scaled score, you will also receive a percentile rank that shows how well you’ve performed relative to other candidates in your year. For example, a total scaled score of 3060 in 2024 meant you were in the top 10%, or 9th decile.

The scaled score for the Situational Judgement Test also ranges between 300 and 900 but this is not included in the total scaled score. For instance in 2024, if your SJT score was 623, you would be in the 7th decile and around the 75th percentile.

25. Do I get penalised for wrong answers?

No, you don’t. Guess the answers that you are unsure about or do not have time to concentrate on. You have nothing to lose.

26. What is a good score on the UCAT ANZ test?

This is difficult to say as it varies from year to year and also depends on the universities you apply to. 

A score in the 90th percentile or higher (=3060) would give you a chance of securing interviews, provided that you have a top Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR score). 

Even with a lower UCAT score, you will stand a good chance if you have a very high ATAR, or if you qualify for special admissions schemes or bonus points.

What is a good UCAT score?

27. How do universities use UCAT ANZ scores?

Your UCAT ANZ score will be used alongside other parts of your application, such as meeting the minimum academic requirements. However, each university uses UCAT ANZ scores differently.

For instance, some universities may set a UCAT ANZ cut-off score (note that thresholds can vary from year to year), and use this to rank applicants for both interview and final selection, whereas others may use your UCAT ANZ as part of final selection only.

As such, it's important to note that there is no clear ‘pass’ mark for the UCAT ANZ. You should aim to maximise your overall score as much as possible to give you the best chance of securing a place at medical or dental school.

Find out about specific UCAT ANZ requirements for medical and non-medical courses in Australia and New Zealand.

28. How can you get into medicine without the UCAT ANZ?

A high UCAT score takes you closer to medical school, but even with a low UCAT score, there are several options:

  1. Not all direct or provisional entry medical programmes require the UCAT (e.g. James Cook University and Griffith University). Read about the full entry requirements of each medical school

  2. You can take a gap year and sit the UCAT again

  3. You can go through the graduate entry pathway

  4. You can study medicine overseas (e.g. UK, Eastern Europe)

29. When do UCAT ANZ results come out?

Your UCAT scores are available shortly after you finish the test, on the same day. To find out how well you performed in your cohort, you will usually need to wait until September for the final results.

30. How do I send my UCAT ANZ results to my chosen universities?

Your UCAT results are delivered directly to the chosen universities. You don’t need to take any further action once you’ve completed the exam.

31. How is the UCAT ANZ different from the GAMSAT?

The Graduate Medical School Admissions Test (GAMSAT) is an entrance exam used by graduate medical and dental courses.

The UCAT is a purely skills-based test, whereas some sections of the GAMSAT assume prerequisite knowledge in sciences. The GAMSAT also requires you to write an essay, whereas the UCAT consists entirely of multiple-choice questions. Both exams require a high level of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Did you know that sitting both the UCAT ANZ and GAMSAT can maximise your chances of getting into medical school? Find out more in our article on UCAT vs GAMSAT: Similarities and Differences.

32. Are papers and pens allowed in the UCAT ANZ?

You can’t use a pen and paper for notes. You will be provided with a small whiteboard (or laminated sheets), a marker pen and a board rubber.

33. What can you bring into the UCAT ANZ test centre?

Nothing is allowed into the testing room apart from the indoor clothes you are wearing and any permitted items on the Pearson VUE Comfort Aid List. 

Person VUE says: ‘All personal belongings (including bags, coats/ jackets, hats or head coverings, jewellery, watches, calculators, papers, books, pens, food/water/drinks, wallets, keys, mobile phones, smart watches, smart glasses, all electronic devices) must be placed in the lockers provided before you enter the test room. The only exceptions permitted are religious apparel, head wear that is worn for medical reasons and small hair clips/hairbands (less than 1/2 inch wide).’

34. How long are UCAT ANZ scores valid for?

The UCAT scores are valid for a year. This means that if you sit the UCAT in 2025, you can only use it for entry to medical and dental programmes commencing in 2026.

35. Are you allowed a calculator in the UCAT ANZ test?

There is an onscreen calculator to use during the QR test. No personal calculators are allowed.

Check out our 8.5 tips to master the UCAT calculator

36. Should I sit the UCAT ANZ as a New Zealand high school student?

The University of Auckland and the University of Otago require students to sit the UCAT ANZ during the common first year for entry to medicine or dentistry. However, there is nothing stopping you from sitting the UCAT ANZ during your last year of high school.

In fact, preparing for and sitting the UCAT ANZ in high school gives you an edge over other students. Furthermore, sitting the UCAT ANZ in year 13 opens up doors for direct entry medical and dental schools in Australia.

37. How do I contact the UCAT ANZ customer services?

You can email anz-enquiries@ucat.edu.au. For Pearson VUE-related queries, you can call (Australia: 1800 512 320, New Zealand: 0800 451 260) or email Pearson VUE customer services

38. How does Medify use data to help you ace the UCAT ANZ?

Medify provides the most accurate feedback on the market. 70% of those who take the UCAT use Medify, so we feed that enormous data set back into the system.

That means we can compare, with unparalleled accuracy:

  • Your scores for each section

  • Time taken across all questions

39. What is Medify’s number one piece of advice for the UCAT ANZ?

Little and often. Trying to cram for such a time-pressured test can be very stressful and leave you at a disadvantage.

In our experience, the best students take a proactive approach early in the year, so by the time they take the exam, the format is second nature.

40. Where can I get further information about the UCAT ANZ?

Refer to the official UCAT ANZ website, in particular the FAQ section.

Do you need help with preparing for the UCAT ANZ? Don’t worry, head over to our UCAT ANZ Online Course and we’ll get you signed up to guide you through this whole process. We provide a huge bank of 20,000+ questions, 24 unique full mock exams, 34+ mini-mock exams, 50+ hours of video tutorials, and performance feedback.

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Join the 2 in 3 UK applicants who use Medify

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