What is the GAMSAT?

Find out essential information about the GAMSAT, including what's being assessed, which courses require the GAMSAT and how to prepare for the exam.


Updated 14 January 2025

This article is written specifically for UK students.

Read the ANZ version here.

The Graduate Medical School Admissions Test (GAMSAT) is an admission test for graduate entry medicine. 

The test was initially designed for candidates applying to Australian universities. However, the test is now also used by a number of universities in the UK and Ireland.

It is important to note that some universities still expect graduate applicants to take the UCAT test.

Which universities/courses require the GAMSAT?

Some courses may require the GAMSAT for graduate entry medicine/dentistry whereas other courses may require the GAMSAT for candidates applying to standard entry medicine/dentistry as a graduate.

Explore GAMSAT requirements for medical, dental, and physician associate courses to find out how the GAMSAT will be used in the admissions process

Australian GAMSAT courses

| University | Course |
| --- | --- |
| Australian National University | Medicine |
| Deakin University | Medicine |
| Flinders University | Medicine |
| Griffith University | Medicine |
| Macquarie University | Medicine |
| University of Melbourne | Medicine, Dentistry, Optometry |
| University of Notre Dame | Medicine |
| University of Queensland | Medicine, Dentistry |
| University of Sydney | Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy |
| University of Tasmania | Medicine |
| University of Western Australia | Medicine, Dentistry, Podiatric Medicine |
| University of Wollongong | Medicine

UK GAMSAT courses

| University | Course |
| --- | --- |
| Brunel University | Medicine |
| University of Chester | Medicine |
| University of Cumbria | Medicine |
| University of East Anglia | Physician Associate Studies |
| University of Exeter | Medicine |
| Imperial College London | Medicine |
| Keele University | Medicine |
| University of Liverpool | Medicine |
| University of Nottingham | Medicine |
| Plymouth University | Medicine, Dentistry |
| ScotGEM (University of St Andrews and University of Dundee) | Medicine |
| St George's, University of London | Medicine |
| University of Sunderland | Medicine |
| University of Surrey | Medicine |
| Swansea University | Medicine |
| Ulster University | Medicine |
| University of Worcester | Medicine

Ireland GAMSAT courses

| University | Course |
| --- | --- |
| University College Cork | Medicine |
| University College Dublin | Medicine, Veterinary Medicine |
| University of Limerick | Medicine, Physiotherapy |
| RCSI (University of Medicine and Health Sciences | Medicine

International programs

| University | Course |
| --- | --- |
| American University of the Caribbean | Medicine |
| Ben-Gurion University of the Negev | Medicine (International Health) |
| Duke-NUS Medical School | Medicine |
| Jagiellonian University Medical College | Medicine |
| Poznan University of Medical Sciences | Medicine |
| University of Nicosia | Medicine

Who can sit the GAMSAT test?

To sit the GAMSAT you need to have an undergraduate degree, or be in the final or second to last year at the time of your test.

If you’re applying to Exeter or Plymouth, you can take the test if you feel you have the knowledge and intellectual capacity. For Exeter, you'll also be eligible to take the test if it's been more than two academic years since you've completed your A-levels (UK).

How many times can I sit the GAMSAT?

There is no limit to the number of times you can sit the GAMSAT. If you sat the March sitting and you didn’t get the score you had hoped for, you can resit in September. You can also resit the following year. 

You could take one sitting as a practice round to see how you score as well. This won't be viable for everyone as you have to pay the registration fee each time you sit.

When is the GAMSAT?

The GAMSAT is offered twice a year. In 2025, each test cycle is divided into two test windows, one for Written Communication (previously known as Section 2) and another for Humanities and Biological Sciences (previously known as Sections 1 and 3, respectively). 

Section 2 is now to be conducted via remote proctoring. Sections 1 and 3 are still held on-site at a test centre for most candidates, except those that live more than 3 hours’ driving distance away from the nearest test centre. These candidates will be able to sit all sections via remote proctoring.

|   | March 2025 | September 2025 |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Registration opens | November 2024 | May 2025 |
| Registration closes | 20 January 2025 10am GMT/9pm AEDT | 1 July 2025 1pm BST/10pm AEST |
| Late registration deadline | 30 January 2025 10am GMT/9pm AEDT | 14 July 2025 1pm BST/10pm AEST |
| Test windows | Section II (remote proctored): 1–2 March 2025, Sections I and III (test centre): 21–23 March 2025 | Section II (remote proctored): 23-24 August 2025, Sections I and III (test centre): 12–14 September 2025

GAMSAT booking and costs

How do I book my GAMSAT?

To book your exam, you’ll need to register online. You can do this by creating an online account. You can only book once registration has opened. Once you’ve registered, you can select the test centre and date/time for Sections 1 and 3. You can only schedule a remote proctored test session for Section 2 after the late registrations close (you’ll receive an invitation link).

An e-book (Practice Questions Published 2012) is included as part of your registration. You will be able to purchase additional preparation materials, including the new online tests.

After you review your GAMSAT registration details and make a payment, you'll receive an email confirmation. If you have any problems, contact the GAMSAT Office.

Approximately two weeks before your exam, you’ll receive an email notification when the admission ticket is available to access via your online account.

How much does GAMSAT cost?

The fee is the same for the March and the September sitting, However, if you book after the initial registration deadline you’ll have to pay a late fee.

|   | Australia | UK | Ireland |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Fee | $560 | £292 | €372 |
| Late Fee | $112 | £70 | €82

Is there any concession for the GAMSAT?

Although the GAMSAT is quite expensive, there isn’t any concession or discount available for the GAMSAT.

Can I change or cancel my GAMSAT date?

You can defer or cancel your GAMSAT exam if you feel you’re not ready or if you change your mind. There are certain deadlines and you may have to pay some administration charges. Read more on refund terms and deferral terms

Can I change my test centre?

Yes, but only up until the late registration deadline. This will be dependent on whether there is availability.

Are there any access arrangements in the GAMSAT?

You can apply to have reasonable adjustments made to your exam if you have any specific needs that could hinder your ability to take the exam in the normal way.

Ideally, you should apply for adjustments as soon as you’ve registered so that you can get a response as soon as possible. Decisions are made on a case-by-case basis and each application is reviewed individually.

What is the exam format?

The GAMSAT exam is delivered digitally and consists of three sections. Section 1 and 3 are multiple choice, whereas Section 2 is a writing task. You’ll have a different amount of time for each section. 

GAMSAT section time limits

You’ll have a 20-minute break between Sections 1 and 3 (note: Section 2 is now delivered via remote proctoring).

What sections are in the GAMSAT?

There are three sections in GAMSAT and each section is slightly different. 

GAMSAT Section 1 

This is known as ‘Reasoning in Humanities and Social Sciences’. You’ll be given a passage of either written information or visual data. You’ll have to interpret this and answer questions accordingly. Each question will have four answer options. You’ll have 1 minute and 36 seconds per question on average.

For more guidance, check out our ultimate guide to GAMSAT Section 1

GAMSAT Section 2 

Section 2 is known as ‘Written Communication’. You’ll be given two 30-minute writing tasks to complete. The first writing task will be about a socio-cultural topic, whereas the second one is to do with personal or social issues. For each task you’ll be given a range of quotes or ideas which you should discuss. Each writing task will be marked by 3 separate assessors.

For more guidance, check out our ultimate guide to GAMSAT Section 2

GAMSAT Section 3 

Known as ‘Reasoning in Biological and Physical Sciences’. The questions are split between biology, chemistry and physics in a 40:40:20 split. 

The biology and chemistry question will require the level of knowledge of a first year in undergraduate study in biology and chemistry. The physics question will be at A-Level. 

Each question has four answer options and the primary focus of this section is problem-solving. 

You’ll have 2 minutes per question on average.

For more guidance, check out our ultimate guide to GAMSAT Section 3

How long is the GAMSAT exam?

The in-person test (Sections 1 and 3) runs for 4 hours and 10 minutes. There is also a break of 20 minutes between the sections.

The remote proctored Section 2 runs for 1 hour and 5 minutes.

What skills are being tested?

Each section of the GAMSAT is assessing different skills.

What happens on test day?

When sitting Sections 1 and 3 at a test centre, you’ll need to bring a printed version of your admission ticket and proof of ID. The details on your ID need to match the details on your admission ticket. The test will begin once all the pre-testing procedures are completed.

Read our GAMSAT remote proctoring article to find out how your remote proctored test session will work and how best to prepare for remote proctored testing.

How hard is the GAMSAT?

The GAMSAT is challenging in terms of the difficulty and length of the exam. In particular, many students find Section 3 to be very time pressured and do not finish it.

How hard you find the content of the exam will depend on your knowledge base and the level of preparation you have undertaken. Although the GAMSAT is designed to be difficult it can be manageable if you’re well prepared. 

Learn how to master GAMSAT timing to help you effectively manage stress leading up to and during the exam. To get the most out of your preparation, we also advise reading up on common preparation mistakes to avoid and top tips to succeed in the GAMSAT.

How is the GAMSAT scored?

You’ll receive a score for each section of the GAMSAT and you’ll also get an overall score. Your score for each section is a scaled score out of 100. It’s not the same as a percentage. For example, if you got a score of 65 in Section 1, it doesn't mean that you scored 65%. 

This means that your Section 3 score has a 50% weighting.

ACER doesn't release how your score is scaled, but they do release a graph which shows what percentile your overall score is. 

To find out more about how the GAMSAT is scored, watch GAMSAT results.

When do GAMSAT results come out?

The actual date can vary but GAMSAT results are usually released in May if you sat the exam in March. For the September sitting, they’re usually released in November.

What is a good GAMSAT score?

How can I do well in the GAMSAT?

  • For Section 2, listening to TED talks will also give you lots of ideas to discuss in your essays. Focus your reading on social and cultural topics as these are what tend to come up in the exam. 

  • For both Section 1 and 2, read as widely as possible.

  • To do well in Section 3 focus on learning all the content required and being confident with the science, as this accounts for 50% of your overall score. 

Finally, use supplementary materials to boost your GAMSAT score, such as our sample questions (Section I, Section II, Section III) and free cheat sheets, or GAMSAT Online Course. Our course is designed to simulate the new digital GAMSAT and offers 7 unique mock exams, 50+ tutorials, mock exam essay prompts and a question bank with over 4,000+ GAMSAT-style questions.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

How many people take the GAMSAT each year?

In 2014, over 9000 people took the GAMSAT. ACER rarely releases statistics on the GAMSAT, so it’s hard to know for sure how many people will sit the GAMSAT this year. Estimates range from 10,000 to 15,000. 

What can I use to prepare?

You can purchase some practice papers and questions from ACER to help you prepare for the exam.

You could also use Medify’s GAMSAT Online Course, YouTube, or GAMSAT blogs to supplement your GAMSAT preparation.

How long should I spend preparing for the GAMSAT?

You should spend at least three months preparing for the GAMSAT. However, if you're from a non-science background you should spend around a minimum of 5-6 months preparing.

Ideally, whether you’re from a science background or not, you should be spending around 4–5 months reading challenging books and novels in preparation for Sections 1 and 2. The first two sections account for 50% of your overall score, so you could compensate for a weaker science score.

How can I prepare for the GAMSAT with a non-science background or if I speak English as a second language (ESL)?

Not everyone who sits the GAMSAT is enrolled or has completed a science degree. 

Almost 30% of GAMSAT test-takers are from a non-English speaking background. 

If you don’t have a science background or speak English as a second language, you need to be more strategic in how you plan your revision.

How long are the results valid?

GAMSAT results are valid for two years. This means that if you took your GAMSAT in 2024, your results could be used for 2025 entry and 2026 entry.

Is my GAMSAT result valid in the UK, Ireland and Australia?

Your result is valid for up to two consecutive years in the UK and Ireland, and up to four consecutive years in Australia. This means you can use the same results to apply to universities in the UK and Ireland for up to two years after your test date, and apply to universities in Australia up to four years after your test date.

For instance, to apply in the UK or Ireland in 2025 for a course commencing in 2026, the following results can be used: March 2024, September 2024, March 2025 and September 2025.

ACER has more information on the currency of results.

I have more than one valid GAMSAT score, which one can I use?

You can use any valid GAMSAT score from any sitting. This means that if you sat the GAMSAT in September 2023, March 2024 and in September 2024 you can use any of those results for admissions in 2025. 

What is Medify’s advice for the GAMSAT?

GAMSAT is not an exam you can revise continuously for until you rote-learn the content. Rather, you should take the time (at least 3–6 months) to keep refining the skills being tested to build your GAMSAT muscle. 

It’s critical that you take a mock exam to understand which areas you need to improve in, so that you can work on addressing these weaknesses. After learning to address the gaps in your knowledge and skills, you can enforce them with practice questions, and then take a mock exam again to track your progress and benchmark your performance against others. 

Repeating this study cycle will get you closer and closer to GAMSAT success.

How do universities receive my GAMSAT score?

The universities you’ve applied to will verify with ACER regarding what your score is. You may be sent an email asking you to choose which score you want to use. So keep an eye out for such emails and any deadlines for responding.

How do universities use my GAMSAT score?

This varies based on the university. It’s likely that you’ll be ranked based on your GAMSAT score and academic performance, and candidates with the highest ranks will be invited for an interview. Some universities may have a minimum cut-off score that you need to achieve.

Explore specific GAMSAT requirements for medical, dental and physician associate courses

What are the alternatives to the GAMSAT?

Some universities will allow you to apply for a standard entry course as a graduate. In this case, you may have the option of doing the UCAT. 

Some graduate entry courses may also require you to do the UCAT or BMAT

How is GAMSAT different from the UCAT?

The UCAT is an online, multiple choice test. It has 184 questions, which must be answered in under two hours. The UCAT has four sections and assesses your cognitive skills rather than your scientific skills. The UCAT is known for how time pressured the sections are.

Did you know that sitting both the GAMSAT and UCAT can maximise your chances of getting into medical school? Find out more in our article on UCAT vs GAMSAT: Similarities and Differences.

Explore our UCAT FAQ

On this page

What is the GAMSAT?

Find out essential information about the GAMSAT, including what's being assessed, which courses require the GAMSAT and how to prepare for the exam.


Updated 14 January 2025

This article is written specifically for UK students.

Read the ANZ version here.

Table of contents

The Graduate Medical School Admissions Test (GAMSAT) is an admission test for graduate entry medicine. 

The test was initially designed for candidates applying to Australian universities. However, the test is now also used by a number of universities in the UK and Ireland.

It is important to note that some universities still expect graduate applicants to take the UCAT test.

Which universities/courses require the GAMSAT?

Some courses may require the GAMSAT for graduate entry medicine/dentistry whereas other courses may require the GAMSAT for candidates applying to standard entry medicine/dentistry as a graduate.

Explore GAMSAT requirements for medical, dental, and physician associate courses to find out how the GAMSAT will be used in the admissions process

Australian GAMSAT courses

| University | Course |
| --- | --- |
| Australian National University | Medicine |
| Deakin University | Medicine |
| Flinders University | Medicine |
| Griffith University | Medicine |
| Macquarie University | Medicine |
| University of Melbourne | Medicine, Dentistry, Optometry |
| University of Notre Dame | Medicine |
| University of Queensland | Medicine, Dentistry |
| University of Sydney | Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy |
| University of Tasmania | Medicine |
| University of Western Australia | Medicine, Dentistry, Podiatric Medicine |
| University of Wollongong | Medicine

UK GAMSAT courses

| University | Course |
| --- | --- |
| Brunel University | Medicine |
| University of Chester | Medicine |
| University of Cumbria | Medicine |
| University of East Anglia | Physician Associate Studies |
| University of Exeter | Medicine |
| Imperial College London | Medicine |
| Keele University | Medicine |
| University of Liverpool | Medicine |
| University of Nottingham | Medicine |
| Plymouth University | Medicine, Dentistry |
| ScotGEM (University of St Andrews and University of Dundee) | Medicine |
| St George's, University of London | Medicine |
| University of Sunderland | Medicine |
| University of Surrey | Medicine |
| Swansea University | Medicine |
| Ulster University | Medicine |
| University of Worcester | Medicine

Ireland GAMSAT courses

| University | Course |
| --- | --- |
| University College Cork | Medicine |
| University College Dublin | Medicine, Veterinary Medicine |
| University of Limerick | Medicine, Physiotherapy |
| RCSI (University of Medicine and Health Sciences | Medicine

International programs

| University | Course |
| --- | --- |
| American University of the Caribbean | Medicine |
| Ben-Gurion University of the Negev | Medicine (International Health) |
| Duke-NUS Medical School | Medicine |
| Jagiellonian University Medical College | Medicine |
| Poznan University of Medical Sciences | Medicine |
| University of Nicosia | Medicine

Who can sit the GAMSAT test?

To sit the GAMSAT you need to have an undergraduate degree, or be in the final or second to last year at the time of your test.

If you’re applying to Exeter or Plymouth, you can take the test if you feel you have the knowledge and intellectual capacity. For Exeter, you'll also be eligible to take the test if it's been more than two academic years since you've completed your A-levels (UK).

How many times can I sit the GAMSAT?

There is no limit to the number of times you can sit the GAMSAT. If you sat the March sitting and you didn’t get the score you had hoped for, you can resit in September. You can also resit the following year. 

You could take one sitting as a practice round to see how you score as well. This won't be viable for everyone as you have to pay the registration fee each time you sit.

When is the GAMSAT?

The GAMSAT is offered twice a year. In 2025, each test cycle is divided into two test windows, one for Written Communication (previously known as Section 2) and another for Humanities and Biological Sciences (previously known as Sections 1 and 3, respectively). 

Section 2 is now to be conducted via remote proctoring. Sections 1 and 3 are still held on-site at a test centre for most candidates, except those that live more than 3 hours’ driving distance away from the nearest test centre. These candidates will be able to sit all sections via remote proctoring.

|   | March 2025 | September 2025 |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Registration opens | November 2024 | May 2025 |
| Registration closes | 20 January 2025 10am GMT/9pm AEDT | 1 July 2025 1pm BST/10pm AEST |
| Late registration deadline | 30 January 2025 10am GMT/9pm AEDT | 14 July 2025 1pm BST/10pm AEST |
| Test windows | Section II (remote proctored): 1–2 March 2025, Sections I and III (test centre): 21–23 March 2025 | Section II (remote proctored): 23-24 August 2025, Sections I and III (test centre): 12–14 September 2025

GAMSAT booking and costs

How do I book my GAMSAT?

To book your exam, you’ll need to register online. You can do this by creating an online account. You can only book once registration has opened. Once you’ve registered, you can select the test centre and date/time for Sections 1 and 3. You can only schedule a remote proctored test session for Section 2 after the late registrations close (you’ll receive an invitation link).

An e-book (Practice Questions Published 2012) is included as part of your registration. You will be able to purchase additional preparation materials, including the new online tests.

After you review your GAMSAT registration details and make a payment, you'll receive an email confirmation. If you have any problems, contact the GAMSAT Office.

Approximately two weeks before your exam, you’ll receive an email notification when the admission ticket is available to access via your online account.

How much does GAMSAT cost?

The fee is the same for the March and the September sitting, However, if you book after the initial registration deadline you’ll have to pay a late fee.

|   | Australia | UK | Ireland |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Fee | $560 | £292 | €372 |
| Late Fee | $112 | £70 | €82

Is there any concession for the GAMSAT?

Although the GAMSAT is quite expensive, there isn’t any concession or discount available for the GAMSAT.

Can I change or cancel my GAMSAT date?

You can defer or cancel your GAMSAT exam if you feel you’re not ready or if you change your mind. There are certain deadlines and you may have to pay some administration charges. Read more on refund terms and deferral terms

Can I change my test centre?

Yes, but only up until the late registration deadline. This will be dependent on whether there is availability.

Are there any access arrangements in the GAMSAT?

You can apply to have reasonable adjustments made to your exam if you have any specific needs that could hinder your ability to take the exam in the normal way.

Ideally, you should apply for adjustments as soon as you’ve registered so that you can get a response as soon as possible. Decisions are made on a case-by-case basis and each application is reviewed individually.

What is the exam format?

The GAMSAT exam is delivered digitally and consists of three sections. Section 1 and 3 are multiple choice, whereas Section 2 is a writing task. You’ll have a different amount of time for each section. 

GAMSAT section time limits

You’ll have a 20-minute break between Sections 1 and 3 (note: Section 2 is now delivered via remote proctoring).

What sections are in the GAMSAT?

There are three sections in GAMSAT and each section is slightly different. 

GAMSAT Section 1 

This is known as ‘Reasoning in Humanities and Social Sciences’. You’ll be given a passage of either written information or visual data. You’ll have to interpret this and answer questions accordingly. Each question will have four answer options. You’ll have 1 minute and 36 seconds per question on average.

For more guidance, check out our ultimate guide to GAMSAT Section 1

GAMSAT Section 2 

Section 2 is known as ‘Written Communication’. You’ll be given two 30-minute writing tasks to complete. The first writing task will be about a socio-cultural topic, whereas the second one is to do with personal or social issues. For each task you’ll be given a range of quotes or ideas which you should discuss. Each writing task will be marked by 3 separate assessors.

For more guidance, check out our ultimate guide to GAMSAT Section 2

GAMSAT Section 3 

Known as ‘Reasoning in Biological and Physical Sciences’. The questions are split between biology, chemistry and physics in a 40:40:20 split. 

The biology and chemistry question will require the level of knowledge of a first year in undergraduate study in biology and chemistry. The physics question will be at A-Level. 

Each question has four answer options and the primary focus of this section is problem-solving. 

You’ll have 2 minutes per question on average.

For more guidance, check out our ultimate guide to GAMSAT Section 3

How long is the GAMSAT exam?

The in-person test (Sections 1 and 3) runs for 4 hours and 10 minutes. There is also a break of 20 minutes between the sections.

The remote proctored Section 2 runs for 1 hour and 5 minutes.

What skills are being tested?

Each section of the GAMSAT is assessing different skills.

What happens on test day?

When sitting Sections 1 and 3 at a test centre, you’ll need to bring a printed version of your admission ticket and proof of ID. The details on your ID need to match the details on your admission ticket. The test will begin once all the pre-testing procedures are completed.

Read our GAMSAT remote proctoring article to find out how your remote proctored test session will work and how best to prepare for remote proctored testing.

How hard is the GAMSAT?

The GAMSAT is challenging in terms of the difficulty and length of the exam. In particular, many students find Section 3 to be very time pressured and do not finish it.

How hard you find the content of the exam will depend on your knowledge base and the level of preparation you have undertaken. Although the GAMSAT is designed to be difficult it can be manageable if you’re well prepared. 

Learn how to master GAMSAT timing to help you effectively manage stress leading up to and during the exam. To get the most out of your preparation, we also advise reading up on common preparation mistakes to avoid and top tips to succeed in the GAMSAT.

How is the GAMSAT scored?

You’ll receive a score for each section of the GAMSAT and you’ll also get an overall score. Your score for each section is a scaled score out of 100. It’s not the same as a percentage. For example, if you got a score of 65 in Section 1, it doesn't mean that you scored 65%. 

This means that your Section 3 score has a 50% weighting.

ACER doesn't release how your score is scaled, but they do release a graph which shows what percentile your overall score is. 

To find out more about how the GAMSAT is scored, watch GAMSAT results.

When do GAMSAT results come out?

The actual date can vary but GAMSAT results are usually released in May if you sat the exam in March. For the September sitting, they’re usually released in November.

What is a good GAMSAT score?

How can I do well in the GAMSAT?

  • For Section 2, listening to TED talks will also give you lots of ideas to discuss in your essays. Focus your reading on social and cultural topics as these are what tend to come up in the exam. 

  • For both Section 1 and 2, read as widely as possible.

  • To do well in Section 3 focus on learning all the content required and being confident with the science, as this accounts for 50% of your overall score. 

Finally, use supplementary materials to boost your GAMSAT score, such as our sample questions (Section I, Section II, Section III) and free cheat sheets, or GAMSAT Online Course. Our course is designed to simulate the new digital GAMSAT and offers 7 unique mock exams, 50+ tutorials, mock exam essay prompts and a question bank with over 4,000+ GAMSAT-style questions.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

How many people take the GAMSAT each year?

In 2014, over 9000 people took the GAMSAT. ACER rarely releases statistics on the GAMSAT, so it’s hard to know for sure how many people will sit the GAMSAT this year. Estimates range from 10,000 to 15,000. 

What can I use to prepare?

You can purchase some practice papers and questions from ACER to help you prepare for the exam.

You could also use Medify’s GAMSAT Online Course, YouTube, or GAMSAT blogs to supplement your GAMSAT preparation.

How long should I spend preparing for the GAMSAT?

You should spend at least three months preparing for the GAMSAT. However, if you're from a non-science background you should spend around a minimum of 5-6 months preparing.

Ideally, whether you’re from a science background or not, you should be spending around 4–5 months reading challenging books and novels in preparation for Sections 1 and 2. The first two sections account for 50% of your overall score, so you could compensate for a weaker science score.

How can I prepare for the GAMSAT with a non-science background or if I speak English as a second language (ESL)?

Not everyone who sits the GAMSAT is enrolled or has completed a science degree. 

Almost 30% of GAMSAT test-takers are from a non-English speaking background. 

If you don’t have a science background or speak English as a second language, you need to be more strategic in how you plan your revision.

How long are the results valid?

GAMSAT results are valid for two years. This means that if you took your GAMSAT in 2024, your results could be used for 2025 entry and 2026 entry.

Is my GAMSAT result valid in the UK, Ireland and Australia?

Your result is valid for up to two consecutive years in the UK and Ireland, and up to four consecutive years in Australia. This means you can use the same results to apply to universities in the UK and Ireland for up to two years after your test date, and apply to universities in Australia up to four years after your test date.

For instance, to apply in the UK or Ireland in 2025 for a course commencing in 2026, the following results can be used: March 2024, September 2024, March 2025 and September 2025.

ACER has more information on the currency of results.

I have more than one valid GAMSAT score, which one can I use?

You can use any valid GAMSAT score from any sitting. This means that if you sat the GAMSAT in September 2023, March 2024 and in September 2024 you can use any of those results for admissions in 2025. 

What is Medify’s advice for the GAMSAT?

GAMSAT is not an exam you can revise continuously for until you rote-learn the content. Rather, you should take the time (at least 3–6 months) to keep refining the skills being tested to build your GAMSAT muscle. 

It’s critical that you take a mock exam to understand which areas you need to improve in, so that you can work on addressing these weaknesses. After learning to address the gaps in your knowledge and skills, you can enforce them with practice questions, and then take a mock exam again to track your progress and benchmark your performance against others. 

Repeating this study cycle will get you closer and closer to GAMSAT success.

How do universities receive my GAMSAT score?

The universities you’ve applied to will verify with ACER regarding what your score is. You may be sent an email asking you to choose which score you want to use. So keep an eye out for such emails and any deadlines for responding.

How do universities use my GAMSAT score?

This varies based on the university. It’s likely that you’ll be ranked based on your GAMSAT score and academic performance, and candidates with the highest ranks will be invited for an interview. Some universities may have a minimum cut-off score that you need to achieve.

Explore specific GAMSAT requirements for medical, dental and physician associate courses

What are the alternatives to the GAMSAT?

Some universities will allow you to apply for a standard entry course as a graduate. In this case, you may have the option of doing the UCAT. 

Some graduate entry courses may also require you to do the UCAT or BMAT

How is GAMSAT different from the UCAT?

The UCAT is an online, multiple choice test. It has 184 questions, which must be answered in under two hours. The UCAT has four sections and assesses your cognitive skills rather than your scientific skills. The UCAT is known for how time pressured the sections are.

Did you know that sitting both the GAMSAT and UCAT can maximise your chances of getting into medical school? Find out more in our article on UCAT vs GAMSAT: Similarities and Differences.

Explore our UCAT FAQ

What is the GAMSAT?

Find out essential information about the GAMSAT, including what's being assessed, which courses require the GAMSAT and how to prepare for the exam.


Updated 14 January 2025

This article is written specifically for UK students.

Read the ANZ version here.

Table of contents

The Graduate Medical School Admissions Test (GAMSAT) is an admission test for graduate entry medicine. 

The test was initially designed for candidates applying to Australian universities. However, the test is now also used by a number of universities in the UK and Ireland.

It is important to note that some universities still expect graduate applicants to take the UCAT test.

Which universities/courses require the GAMSAT?

Some courses may require the GAMSAT for graduate entry medicine/dentistry whereas other courses may require the GAMSAT for candidates applying to standard entry medicine/dentistry as a graduate.

Explore GAMSAT requirements for medical, dental, and physician associate courses to find out how the GAMSAT will be used in the admissions process

Australian GAMSAT courses

| University | Course |
| --- | --- |
| Australian National University | Medicine |
| Deakin University | Medicine |
| Flinders University | Medicine |
| Griffith University | Medicine |
| Macquarie University | Medicine |
| University of Melbourne | Medicine, Dentistry, Optometry |
| University of Notre Dame | Medicine |
| University of Queensland | Medicine, Dentistry |
| University of Sydney | Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy |
| University of Tasmania | Medicine |
| University of Western Australia | Medicine, Dentistry, Podiatric Medicine |
| University of Wollongong | Medicine

UK GAMSAT courses

| University | Course |
| --- | --- |
| Brunel University | Medicine |
| University of Chester | Medicine |
| University of Cumbria | Medicine |
| University of East Anglia | Physician Associate Studies |
| University of Exeter | Medicine |
| Imperial College London | Medicine |
| Keele University | Medicine |
| University of Liverpool | Medicine |
| University of Nottingham | Medicine |
| Plymouth University | Medicine, Dentistry |
| ScotGEM (University of St Andrews and University of Dundee) | Medicine |
| St George's, University of London | Medicine |
| University of Sunderland | Medicine |
| University of Surrey | Medicine |
| Swansea University | Medicine |
| Ulster University | Medicine |
| University of Worcester | Medicine

Ireland GAMSAT courses

| University | Course |
| --- | --- |
| University College Cork | Medicine |
| University College Dublin | Medicine, Veterinary Medicine |
| University of Limerick | Medicine, Physiotherapy |
| RCSI (University of Medicine and Health Sciences | Medicine

International programs

| University | Course |
| --- | --- |
| American University of the Caribbean | Medicine |
| Ben-Gurion University of the Negev | Medicine (International Health) |
| Duke-NUS Medical School | Medicine |
| Jagiellonian University Medical College | Medicine |
| Poznan University of Medical Sciences | Medicine |
| University of Nicosia | Medicine

Who can sit the GAMSAT test?

To sit the GAMSAT you need to have an undergraduate degree, or be in the final or second to last year at the time of your test.

If you’re applying to Exeter or Plymouth, you can take the test if you feel you have the knowledge and intellectual capacity. For Exeter, you'll also be eligible to take the test if it's been more than two academic years since you've completed your A-levels (UK).

How many times can I sit the GAMSAT?

There is no limit to the number of times you can sit the GAMSAT. If you sat the March sitting and you didn’t get the score you had hoped for, you can resit in September. You can also resit the following year. 

You could take one sitting as a practice round to see how you score as well. This won't be viable for everyone as you have to pay the registration fee each time you sit.

When is the GAMSAT?

The GAMSAT is offered twice a year. In 2025, each test cycle is divided into two test windows, one for Written Communication (previously known as Section 2) and another for Humanities and Biological Sciences (previously known as Sections 1 and 3, respectively). 

Section 2 is now to be conducted via remote proctoring. Sections 1 and 3 are still held on-site at a test centre for most candidates, except those that live more than 3 hours’ driving distance away from the nearest test centre. These candidates will be able to sit all sections via remote proctoring.

|   | March 2025 | September 2025 |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Registration opens | November 2024 | May 2025 |
| Registration closes | 20 January 2025 10am GMT/9pm AEDT | 1 July 2025 1pm BST/10pm AEST |
| Late registration deadline | 30 January 2025 10am GMT/9pm AEDT | 14 July 2025 1pm BST/10pm AEST |
| Test windows | Section II (remote proctored): 1–2 March 2025, Sections I and III (test centre): 21–23 March 2025 | Section II (remote proctored): 23-24 August 2025, Sections I and III (test centre): 12–14 September 2025

GAMSAT booking and costs

How do I book my GAMSAT?

To book your exam, you’ll need to register online. You can do this by creating an online account. You can only book once registration has opened. Once you’ve registered, you can select the test centre and date/time for Sections 1 and 3. You can only schedule a remote proctored test session for Section 2 after the late registrations close (you’ll receive an invitation link).

An e-book (Practice Questions Published 2012) is included as part of your registration. You will be able to purchase additional preparation materials, including the new online tests.

After you review your GAMSAT registration details and make a payment, you'll receive an email confirmation. If you have any problems, contact the GAMSAT Office.

Approximately two weeks before your exam, you’ll receive an email notification when the admission ticket is available to access via your online account.

How much does GAMSAT cost?

The fee is the same for the March and the September sitting, However, if you book after the initial registration deadline you’ll have to pay a late fee.

|   | Australia | UK | Ireland |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Fee | $560 | £292 | €372 |
| Late Fee | $112 | £70 | €82

Is there any concession for the GAMSAT?

Although the GAMSAT is quite expensive, there isn’t any concession or discount available for the GAMSAT.

Can I change or cancel my GAMSAT date?

You can defer or cancel your GAMSAT exam if you feel you’re not ready or if you change your mind. There are certain deadlines and you may have to pay some administration charges. Read more on refund terms and deferral terms

Can I change my test centre?

Yes, but only up until the late registration deadline. This will be dependent on whether there is availability.

Are there any access arrangements in the GAMSAT?

You can apply to have reasonable adjustments made to your exam if you have any specific needs that could hinder your ability to take the exam in the normal way.

Ideally, you should apply for adjustments as soon as you’ve registered so that you can get a response as soon as possible. Decisions are made on a case-by-case basis and each application is reviewed individually.

What is the exam format?

The GAMSAT exam is delivered digitally and consists of three sections. Section 1 and 3 are multiple choice, whereas Section 2 is a writing task. You’ll have a different amount of time for each section. 

GAMSAT section time limits

You’ll have a 20-minute break between Sections 1 and 3 (note: Section 2 is now delivered via remote proctoring).

What sections are in the GAMSAT?

There are three sections in GAMSAT and each section is slightly different. 

GAMSAT Section 1 

This is known as ‘Reasoning in Humanities and Social Sciences’. You’ll be given a passage of either written information or visual data. You’ll have to interpret this and answer questions accordingly. Each question will have four answer options. You’ll have 1 minute and 36 seconds per question on average.

For more guidance, check out our ultimate guide to GAMSAT Section 1

GAMSAT Section 2 

Section 2 is known as ‘Written Communication’. You’ll be given two 30-minute writing tasks to complete. The first writing task will be about a socio-cultural topic, whereas the second one is to do with personal or social issues. For each task you’ll be given a range of quotes or ideas which you should discuss. Each writing task will be marked by 3 separate assessors.

For more guidance, check out our ultimate guide to GAMSAT Section 2

GAMSAT Section 3 

Known as ‘Reasoning in Biological and Physical Sciences’. The questions are split between biology, chemistry and physics in a 40:40:20 split. 

The biology and chemistry question will require the level of knowledge of a first year in undergraduate study in biology and chemistry. The physics question will be at A-Level. 

Each question has four answer options and the primary focus of this section is problem-solving. 

You’ll have 2 minutes per question on average.

For more guidance, check out our ultimate guide to GAMSAT Section 3

How long is the GAMSAT exam?

The in-person test (Sections 1 and 3) runs for 4 hours and 10 minutes. There is also a break of 20 minutes between the sections.

The remote proctored Section 2 runs for 1 hour and 5 minutes.

What skills are being tested?

Each section of the GAMSAT is assessing different skills.

What happens on test day?

When sitting Sections 1 and 3 at a test centre, you’ll need to bring a printed version of your admission ticket and proof of ID. The details on your ID need to match the details on your admission ticket. The test will begin once all the pre-testing procedures are completed.

Read our GAMSAT remote proctoring article to find out how your remote proctored test session will work and how best to prepare for remote proctored testing.

How hard is the GAMSAT?

The GAMSAT is challenging in terms of the difficulty and length of the exam. In particular, many students find Section 3 to be very time pressured and do not finish it.

How hard you find the content of the exam will depend on your knowledge base and the level of preparation you have undertaken. Although the GAMSAT is designed to be difficult it can be manageable if you’re well prepared. 

Learn how to master GAMSAT timing to help you effectively manage stress leading up to and during the exam. To get the most out of your preparation, we also advise reading up on common preparation mistakes to avoid and top tips to succeed in the GAMSAT.

How is the GAMSAT scored?

You’ll receive a score for each section of the GAMSAT and you’ll also get an overall score. Your score for each section is a scaled score out of 100. It’s not the same as a percentage. For example, if you got a score of 65 in Section 1, it doesn't mean that you scored 65%. 

This means that your Section 3 score has a 50% weighting.

ACER doesn't release how your score is scaled, but they do release a graph which shows what percentile your overall score is. 

To find out more about how the GAMSAT is scored, watch GAMSAT results.

When do GAMSAT results come out?

The actual date can vary but GAMSAT results are usually released in May if you sat the exam in March. For the September sitting, they’re usually released in November.

What is a good GAMSAT score?

How can I do well in the GAMSAT?

  • For Section 2, listening to TED talks will also give you lots of ideas to discuss in your essays. Focus your reading on social and cultural topics as these are what tend to come up in the exam. 

  • For both Section 1 and 2, read as widely as possible.

  • To do well in Section 3 focus on learning all the content required and being confident with the science, as this accounts for 50% of your overall score. 

Finally, use supplementary materials to boost your GAMSAT score, such as our sample questions (Section I, Section II, Section III) and free cheat sheets, or GAMSAT Online Course. Our course is designed to simulate the new digital GAMSAT and offers 7 unique mock exams, 50+ tutorials, mock exam essay prompts and a question bank with over 4,000+ GAMSAT-style questions.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

How many people take the GAMSAT each year?

In 2014, over 9000 people took the GAMSAT. ACER rarely releases statistics on the GAMSAT, so it’s hard to know for sure how many people will sit the GAMSAT this year. Estimates range from 10,000 to 15,000. 

What can I use to prepare?

You can purchase some practice papers and questions from ACER to help you prepare for the exam.

You could also use Medify’s GAMSAT Online Course, YouTube, or GAMSAT blogs to supplement your GAMSAT preparation.

How long should I spend preparing for the GAMSAT?

You should spend at least three months preparing for the GAMSAT. However, if you're from a non-science background you should spend around a minimum of 5-6 months preparing.

Ideally, whether you’re from a science background or not, you should be spending around 4–5 months reading challenging books and novels in preparation for Sections 1 and 2. The first two sections account for 50% of your overall score, so you could compensate for a weaker science score.

How can I prepare for the GAMSAT with a non-science background or if I speak English as a second language (ESL)?

Not everyone who sits the GAMSAT is enrolled or has completed a science degree. 

Almost 30% of GAMSAT test-takers are from a non-English speaking background. 

If you don’t have a science background or speak English as a second language, you need to be more strategic in how you plan your revision.

How long are the results valid?

GAMSAT results are valid for two years. This means that if you took your GAMSAT in 2024, your results could be used for 2025 entry and 2026 entry.

Is my GAMSAT result valid in the UK, Ireland and Australia?

Your result is valid for up to two consecutive years in the UK and Ireland, and up to four consecutive years in Australia. This means you can use the same results to apply to universities in the UK and Ireland for up to two years after your test date, and apply to universities in Australia up to four years after your test date.

For instance, to apply in the UK or Ireland in 2025 for a course commencing in 2026, the following results can be used: March 2024, September 2024, March 2025 and September 2025.

ACER has more information on the currency of results.

I have more than one valid GAMSAT score, which one can I use?

You can use any valid GAMSAT score from any sitting. This means that if you sat the GAMSAT in September 2023, March 2024 and in September 2024 you can use any of those results for admissions in 2025. 

What is Medify’s advice for the GAMSAT?

GAMSAT is not an exam you can revise continuously for until you rote-learn the content. Rather, you should take the time (at least 3–6 months) to keep refining the skills being tested to build your GAMSAT muscle. 

It’s critical that you take a mock exam to understand which areas you need to improve in, so that you can work on addressing these weaknesses. After learning to address the gaps in your knowledge and skills, you can enforce them with practice questions, and then take a mock exam again to track your progress and benchmark your performance against others. 

Repeating this study cycle will get you closer and closer to GAMSAT success.

How do universities receive my GAMSAT score?

The universities you’ve applied to will verify with ACER regarding what your score is. You may be sent an email asking you to choose which score you want to use. So keep an eye out for such emails and any deadlines for responding.

How do universities use my GAMSAT score?

This varies based on the university. It’s likely that you’ll be ranked based on your GAMSAT score and academic performance, and candidates with the highest ranks will be invited for an interview. Some universities may have a minimum cut-off score that you need to achieve.

Explore specific GAMSAT requirements for medical, dental and physician associate courses

What are the alternatives to the GAMSAT?

Some universities will allow you to apply for a standard entry course as a graduate. In this case, you may have the option of doing the UCAT. 

Some graduate entry courses may also require you to do the UCAT or BMAT

How is GAMSAT different from the UCAT?

The UCAT is an online, multiple choice test. It has 184 questions, which must be answered in under two hours. The UCAT has four sections and assesses your cognitive skills rather than your scientific skills. The UCAT is known for how time pressured the sections are.

Did you know that sitting both the GAMSAT and UCAT can maximise your chances of getting into medical school? Find out more in our article on UCAT vs GAMSAT: Similarities and Differences.

Explore our UCAT FAQ

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