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Other Australian Medical Schools

Find out about medical schools in Australia that offer a mixture of programs or a provisional entry path to other programs.

Updated 6 Jun 2024

There are medical schools in Australia that offer both direct (or provisional) and graduate entry medical programmes. There are also medical schools offering a provisional entry path to graduate entry medical programmes in other universities. Here, we provide information on these medical schools in Australia.

Charles Darwin University: Provisional Pathway to Flinders University MD

  • Location: Darwin, NT

  • Medical school or program established: 2011

  • QS subject ranking 2024: N/A

  • First year class size: Capped at 12 students per year

  • CSP places: Yes

  • International places: No

Charles Darwin University (CDU) is a public university that was established in 2003 through the merger of a number of institutions within the Northern Territory. While it does not have its own full medical programme, it offers a 3-year BCSC (Bachelor of Clinical Sciences) degree, which provides a provisional entry path to the Flinders University MD (Doctor of Medicine) degree.

As this is a special programme to cater the need for the Northern Territory, only 12 places are available each year: 5 for applicants who are Northern Territory residents, 5 for Indigenous applicants who are Northern Territory residents, and 2 for national Indigenous applicants. You must hold a year 12 qualification and have not studied more than a year of tertiary education.

While there is no minimum ATAR required, CDU advises that you need an adjusted ATAR of 90+ (85+ for Indigenous applicants) to be competitive. Final selection is based on 10:90 of UCAT ANZ and ATAR scores, with priority given to Indigenous applicants and Northern Territory residents.

In order to progress to the third and final year of the BCSC, which is also the first year of the Flinders MD, you must achieve a minimum GPA of 5.0 during the first two years of BCSC. Hence, the total time required to obtain your BCSC + MD is 6 years.

All applicants need to apply through SATAC.

Check out Charles Darwin University's website for more details, such as fees, prerequisites and important dates.

Did you know?

  • The Northern Territory Medical Programme (NTMP) enables students to undertake their entire medical education (BCSC + MD) in the Northern Territory.

Flinders University: Flinders University School of Medicine

  • Location: Adelaide, SA

  • Medical school or program established: 1974

  • QS subject ranking 2024: 301-350

  • First year class size in 2024: 209 (graduate entry)

  • CSP places: Yes

  • International places: Yes

Flinders University is a public university based in Adelaide. It offers a 4-year MD (Doctor of Medicine) degree for graduates, as well as a 6-year option for direct entry that consists of a 2-year accelerated BClinSci (Bachelor of Clinical Sciences) + a 4-year MD.

For direct entry, the selection process is very different for domestic and international applicants. For domestic applicants, it's expected that you will need to achieve a minimum ATAR of 95. The final selection is based on 90:10 of ATAR and UCAT ANZ.

International applicants must achieve a minimum ATAR of 95, or an equivalent score from an equivalent qualification to be invited to interview. Final selection is based on interview performance. If there's more eligible applicants than places available, final selection will be based on a rank score combining the Year 12 (or equivalent) qualification score and interview score.

To be eligible for graduate entry, you must have a minimum score of 50 in each section of GAMSAT. Applicants are shortlisted for interview based on the overall GAMSAT score. Final selection is based on a combination score for the GAMSAT, interview, and weighted GPA from the most recent Bachelor degree. International applicants must sit the GAMSAT or MCAT and attend an interview.

Domestic direct entry applicants need to apply through SATAC. All other applicants (domestic graduate entry, international direct entry, international graduate entry) need to apply directly to the university. Rural and Indigenous sub-quotas are available for direct entry and graduate entry.

Check out the official website for more details, such as fees, prerequisites and important dates: 

Did you know?

  • Adelaide is known as the 'festival state' with over 400 festivals/events each year.

Griffith University: Griffith University School of Medicine

  • Location: Gold Coast, QLD

  • Medical school or program established: 2004

  • QS subject ranking 2024: 251-300

  • First year class size in 2024: 237 (graduate entry)

  • CSP places: Yes

  • International places: Yes

Griffith University is a public university based in Queensland. It offers a 4-year MD (Doctor of Medicine) degree for graduates and a 6-year provisional entry option for school leavers that consists of a 2-year accelerated BMedSci (Bachelor of Medical Science) + a 4-year MD.

For provisional entry, domestic applicants are required to have a minimum ATAR of 99.85. Final selection is based on academic merit for both domestic and international applicants. For domestic applicants, the overall UCAT ANZ score will be used for second-order ranking within an ATAR band. Those without a UCAT ANZ result will be ranked at the bottom of their ATAR band. Once you pass BMedSci with a GPA of 5.5, you will be able to progress to MD.

For graduate entry, you must have an unweighted minimum GPA of 5.0 and meet the minimum GAMSAT score of 50 in each section. For international applicants, you can choose to submit an MCAT score (instead of GAMSAT), and must obtain a minimum score of 123 in each section.

Invitation to the Griffith University Multi Station Admissions Assessment (GUMSAA), or alternative interview process for international students, is based on 50:50 of GPA and GAMSAT/MCAT.

Domestic provisional entry applicants need to apply through QTAC. Domestic graduate entry applicants need to apply through GEMSAS. International applicants need to apply directly through the university (both provisional entry and graduate entry modes). 

For both provisional entry and graduate entry, there is a Rural Priority Access Scheme with a proportion of places reserved for applicants from a rural background.

Check out the official website for more details, such as fees, prerequisites and important dates: 

Did you know?

  • Griffith has a unique trimester system, where the teaching year is divided into three, instead of two (i.e. semester) blocks.

  • Griffith medical students start their clinical placements early, from the second month of their degree.

Monash University: Monash University Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences

  • Location: Melbourne, VIC

  • Medical school or program established: 1958

  • QS subject ranking 2024: 40

  • First year class size in 2024: 443

  • CSP places: Yes

  • International places: Yes

Monash University is a member of the G8, a coalition of high ranked, research-intensive universities, and the only university in Victoria to offer a direct entry medical program. It offers a 5-year direct entry medical program consisting of BMedSc (Bachelor of Medical Science) and MD (Doctor of Medicine). In addition to this, Monash University offers a 4-year graduate entry medical program (MD).

For direct entry, you must have a minimum ATAR of 90, although a much higher ATAR is usually required to be competitive. International applicants must have a minimum ISAT total score of 170, with a minimum score of 165 in both sections.

For domestic applicants, invitation to the MMI is based on your UCAT ANZ and ATAR score. The final selection is based on 33:33:33 of UCAT, ATAR and MMI. For international applicants, invitation to the MMI is based on ISAT and the final selection is based on 33:33:33 of ISAT, ATAR equivalent and MMI.

For graduate entry, the criteria is slightly different for domestic and international applicants. For domestic applicants, only the applicants with specified Monash University degrees are eligible:

  • Bachelor of Biomedical Science (including double degrees)

  • Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)

  • Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)

  • Bachelor of Science (including double degrees and must complete designated units)

  • Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Gippsland Partnership Program) from Federation University

These applicants must achieve a minimum weighted average mark of 70 and the final selection is based on 40:60 of academic merit and MMI.

International applicants must have an undergraduate degree (with significant biomedical science content) with a minimum GPA of 6.0 or a Bachelor of Biomedical Science degree (including double degrees) from Monash University with a minimum weighted average mark of 70. For the final selection, international applicants are selected based on academic merit and MMI.

Domestic direct entry applicants need to apply through VTAC and domestic graduate entry applicants need to apply directly through the university. 

International direct entry applicants need to apply through an agent if based overseas or through VTAC if based in Australia and have studied VCE or IB. International graduate entry applicants need to apply directly to the university or through an agent.

There are also special entry schemes such as Dean's Rural List and Dean's Indigenous List.

Check out the official website for more details, such as fees, prerequisites and important dates:

Did you know?

  • Monash medical school is ranked very highly in both QS and THE 2024 subject rankings (#40 and #29, respectively).

  • Monash University is the largest university in Australia.

University of Queensland: University of Queensland School of Medicine

  • Location: Brisbane, QLD

  • Medical school or program established: 1936

  • QS subject ranking 2024: 66

  • First year class size in 2024: 380 (graduate entry)

  • CSP places: Yes

  • International places: Yes

University of Queensland (UQ) is a member of the G8, a coalition of high ranked, research-intensive universities. It offers a 4-year MD (Doctor of Medicine) degree for graduates, as well as a 7-year provisional entry option for school leavers that consists of a UQ undergraduate degree + a 4-year MD.

For provisional entry, you need a minimum adjusted ATAR of 95 or equivalent, and a competitive UCAT ANZ score. Interview invitation is made based on UCAT ANZ score. Final offer is based on UCAT ANZ score, interview score and ATAR. For progression to MD, you're required to maintain an overall GPA of 5.0 for your Queensland undergraduate degree and complete prerequisite courses.

For graduate entry, you are required to have a minimum unweighted GPA of 5.0 in the selected key degrees and subject prerequisites. You must also have a minimum score of 50 per section in the GAMSAT.

International applicants can choose to submit an MCAT score (instead of GAMSAT), for which you must have a minimum total score of 504. Invitation to the MMI is based on the GAMSAT or MCAT score, as well as a GPA. The final offer is based on MMI, GAMSAT/MCAT and GPA.

Domestic graduate entry applicants need to apply to GEMSAS. Domestic provisional entry applicants (including international students completing year 12 in Australia) need to apply to QTAC. All other international applicants (provisional entry and graduate entry) need to apply directly to the university.

There are special entry programmes for Indigenous applicants and rural applicants.

Check out University of Queensland's website for more details, such as fees, prerequisites and important dates.

Did you know?

  • There are more than 311,000 graduates in the history of UQ including 13,000 Doctors, and Nobel Prize winning surgeon Peter Doherty.

  • UQ has over 220 different clubs/societies to join.

University of Sydney: Sydney Medical School

  • Location: Sydney, NSW

  • Medical school or program established: 1883

  • QS subject ranking 2024: 26

  • First year class size in 2024: 308 (graduate entry)

  • CSP places: Yes

  • International places: Yes

University of Sydney (USyd) is a member of the G8, a coalition of high ranked, research-intensive universities. It offers a 4-year MD (Doctor of Medicine) program for graduates, and a 7-year provisional entry option (double degree) for school leavers that consists of a BSc (Bachelor of Science) or BA (Bachelor of Arts) + a 4-year MD. 

To be eligible to apply for provisional entry, you must have an ATAR of 99.95. Selection process includes a written assessment and a panel discussion. You are required to complete foundational knowledge units during your first degree (BSc or BA) and maintain a credit average in order to progress to MD.

For graduate entry, you must have a minimum GPA of 4.5 (rural applicants) or 5.0 (domestic and international applicants) and a minimum score of 50 in each section of GAMSAT. International applicants can choose to submit an MCAT score (minimum score of 500) in place of a GAMSAT score. Applicants who wish to study rurally can do so through the Dubbo Scheme, but you must complete a personal statement in the template form provided by the University of Sydney.

Applicants will be ranked on the basis of admissions test results. Offers are based on applicants’ final rankings. If applicants are ranked equally, an additional selection tool will be used, such as an interview or Situational Judgement Test (SJT).

Domestic graduate entry applicants need to submit an online Qualifications Assessment Service (QAS) application to the UAC and apply directly to the university. Domestic and international provisional entry applicants who have completed Australian year 12 education need to apply to UAC. All other international applicants (provisional entry or graduate entry) need to apply directly to the university or through an agent.

There are facilitated admission pathways for Indigenous applicants and rural applicants.

Check out the official website for more details, such as fees, prerequisites and important dates:

Did you know?

  • Founded in 1850, USyd is the oldest university in Oceania.

  • USyd medical students get very early clinical exposure, as early as the second week of their medical study.

University of the Sunshine Coast: Provisional Pathway to Griffith University MD

  • Location: Sunshine Coast, QLD

  • Medical school or program established: 2019

  • QS subject ranking 2024: N/A

  • First year class size: Capped at 20 places per year

  • CSP places: Yes

  • International places: No

University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) is a public university based in Queensland. While it does not have its own medical program, it recently began offering a 3-year BMedSc (Bachelor of Medical Science) program that provides provisional path entry to the Griffith University MD course.

To be eligible to apply, you must have a minimum ATAR of 99.80 and not have previously attempted any tertiary study (diploma level or higher). There is no requirement for UCAT ANZ or interviews, but it should be noted that only 20 places are available per year. The overall UCAT ANZ score will be used for second-order ranking within an ATAR band. Those without a UCAT ANZ result will be ranked at the bottom of their ATAR band.

To progress to the Griffith University MD programme, you must have a cumulative GPA of 5.0 during BMedSc and a minimum pass grade in MED202. All applicants must apply through QTAC.

There are a limited number of places reserved for rural applicants for this programme through the Rural Access Scheme.

Check out USC's website for more details, such as fees, prerequisites and important dates.

Did you know?

  • USC originally established in 1996 as the Sunshine Coast University College.

  • USC opened a new campus in Moreton Bay in 2020.

University of Western Australia: University of Western Australia School of Medicine

  • Location: Perth, WA

  • Medical school or program established: 1956

  • QS subject ranking 2024: 132

  • First year class size in 2024: 233

  • CSP places: Yes

  • International places: Yes

University of Western Australia (UWA) is a member of the G8, a coalition of high ranked, research-intensive universities. It offers a 4-year MD (Doctor of Medicine) program for graduates, and a 7-year Assured Pathway option for school leavers that consists of a UWA degree + a 4-year MD.

To be eligible for the Assured Pathway, you must have a minimum ATAR of 98 (rural, Broadway, international and high academic achievers). For domestic applicants, interview selection is based on UCAT ANZ score. Final ranking is based on ATAR, interview and UCAT ANZ score.

For international applicants, the interview process is currently under review. Final ranking is based on ATAR or equivalent, interview and ISAT score.

Progression to the MD programme is dependent on successful completion of UWA bachelor's degree and meeting minimum academic requirements.

To be eligible to apply for graduate entry, you must have a minimum GPA of 5.5. You must have a minimum GAMSAT overall score of 55, with no section under 50. International applicants can choose to submit an MCAT score instead of GAMSAT, for which you must have an overall minimum score of 500 with no section under 124.

Applicants will be shortlisted for interview based on their GAMSAT or equivalent score and GPA.

Final ranking is based on:

  • GAMSAT (20%), GPA (30%) and interview (50%) for non-rural domestic applicants

  • GAMSAT (15%), GPA (22.5%), interview (37.5%) and rurality rating (25%) for rural applicants

  • GPA and interview by the Centre for Aboriginal Medical and Dental Health (CAMDH) for applicants who are eligible for indigenous entry

  • GAMSAT (or equivalent) (20%), GPA (30%) and interview (50%) for international applicants

Domestic assured entry applicants need to apply through TISC and international assured entry applicants need to apply directly to the university. Domestic graduate entry applicants need to apply through GEMSAS and international graduate entry applicants need to apply directly to the university or via an authorised agent.

For assured entry, there are special schemes for rural applicants, Indigenous applicants and applicants who attended a UWA Broadway school. For graduate entry, there are also special schemes for rural and Indigenous applicants.

Check out UWA's website for more details, such as fees, prerequisites and important dates.

Did you know?

  • UWA is the oldest university in the state of Western Australia, having opened in February 1911.

  • Over 100 Rhodes scholars and 2 Nobel Prize winners are alumni of UWA.

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