Tips and tricks

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5 Keyboard Shortcuts to Save Time During the UCAT ANZ

These UCAT keyboard shortcuts can actually boost your score by giving you more thinking time.

10 Common GAMSAT Preparation Mistakes to Avoid

Wondering what mistakes students make while preparing for the GAMSAT? We explore the top 10 common GAMSAT pitfalls to avoid.

20 Tips to Change the Way You Think About the UCAT ANZ SJT

Tips and tricks to ace the UCAT ANZ Situational Judgement Test (SJT). Includes SJT practice questions and explanations.

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20 UCAT ANZ Quantitative Reasoning Tips: Save Time and Boost Your Score

20 UCAT ANZ Quantitative Reasoning tips to help you save time, from making the most of the provided equipment to improving mental maths calculations. Ace the UCAT QR!

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21 UCAT ANZ Abstract Reasoning Tips: Save Time and Boost Your Score

21 UCAT ANZ Abstract Reasoning tips to help you get through the puzzles efficiently. Ace the UCAT AR!

23 UCAT ANZ Verbal Reasoning Tips: Save Time and Boost Your Score

23 UCAT ANZ Verbal Reasoning tips to help you in this difficult section. From speed reading and selective reading to totalising language. Ace the UCAT VR!

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27 UCAT ANZ Decision Making Tips: Save Time and Boost Your Score

Learn to ace the UCAT ANZ Decision Making section with these top tips and tactics. Includes UCAT practice questions to help you understand the different approaches to the exam.

GAMSAT Preparation: 15 Tips to Succeed in the GAMSAT

Preparing for the GAMSAT can be an arduous journey, so we’ve put together tried-and-tested GAMSAT preparation tips to help you along the way.